Facilitating residents ‘helping each other’ in their community.
Our mission –
Helping each-other has been one key characteristic of human settlement. Concept note link. So, facilitation of such helping tendency must be an integral part of a community initiative.
‘’ is an extension of ‘’
Niwasi Application is a community tool for residents, that makes collective action easy for them.
Key module of the Niwasi App is Resident’s Sabha module. Components of the Resident’s Sabha module : resident sabha date announcing, auto-generated residents sabha, giving agenda, agenda prioritising, voting on the proposal, resident’s collective decisions and resident’s decision tracking, resident’s driven urgent Niwasi Sabha, historical catalogue of agenda, and decisions.
– A resident can get access to multiple communities in the App with one login credential… and more.
Why ‘Help’ extension of ? –
We all need some encouragements, motivation and facilitation for various things.
On the flip side, all of us have some desire to extend help to a needy. So the ‘Help’ extension give space for revelation of help in advance by a helpful person even if any ‘Needs’ are not put forward.
So, ‘Niwasi’ initiative through its Help extension encourages as many persons as possible to become helping persons. All the needs of residents can be put on also, and helps accepted by the needy will be communicated to helping persons via
What does it do ? –
The Scope of ‘Help’ extension of from the resident’s perspective:
- This facilitates ‘help’ available within the needy community ie helper and needy both live in the same community.
- ‘help’ available from elsewhere (outside community) to the needy ie non-resident helping person.
- One can put help they want to extend even if it is not requested for.
- NGO Partner driven help ie an NGO or a facilitating agency identifies and coordinate between needy and helping-person.
- – proper match between Helps available and Needs ie a bridge between needy and helping person.
- – to identify, reach and track needy and their basic needs (survival basic minimum-requirement).
- One can recommend helping person. It also encourages and facilitates as many persons as possible to become all helping persons.
User of – can be used by a helping person, but not by a needy.
Needs to be entered through / Niwiasi App / / partner’s own website but not Ways to feed needs in ‘Niwasi’ Application system is as follows :
- a) A needy person puts
- a. their need request on
- b. A needy person must be resident of a community.
- b) A community leader put
- a. Their need request on
- c) an NGO partner can also enter Needs
- a. using
- b. or partner’s own webpage.
Who has developed this system ? –
It is a service product of Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and jointly developed by Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and its IT partners Triline Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Implementation eco system –
- – Self functioning application
- – Basic functionality - no ongoing support required
- – One contact point with toll free number would be helpful for the users of this application.
The software technology –
- The software is being developed on PHP, Laravel framework and React. Other key IT components are mysql for database, html, CSS,
- The app prototype is first build on Adobe Xd/ppt/MsWord. This helps all the team members to give its comments before actual coding.
- Process team draft interacts with real community, and bullet the requirements with all practical details.
- This is converted into prototype on Xd. Which get converted into web version of the software.
- Once it is settled, application for IOS and Android will be developed.
- Pace and actual developed now depends upon the resource availability.
About the team –
Concept team
Pranav Kr. Chaudhary : Studied civil engineering (B. Tech.) at IIT Mumbai. 20 years of experience of working on project that has direct or indirect intervention in communities.
Vikas Kr. Chaudhary : Engineering in Electronics and Communication with 12 years of development work (Triline).
Mitesh Thakkar : MBA from INSEAD. Gives consultancy to various development organisations like UN bodies, the World Bank, Pratham and others.
Need assessment and grassroot test team
Nirbhay Kumar : Masters in social science with 5 years of experience of grassroot implementation, process drafting.
Pradeep Rai : Long experience of field execution and implemented Niwasi Sabha concept on ground for a long period.
Development team
Vidyaram Tyagi : Information Technology graduate and has about 5 years of experience in software development.
Mohtasim : Prime responsibility is testing and has long experience with educational background in MCA.
Team of 5 developers is working on the project.
Niwasi App is jointly developed by : Sunai Consultancy, and Trilline Infotech (IT Partner).
About Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. –
Sunai Consultancy is registered as a private limited company in Patna, Bihar (India). Sunai was founded in 2005 with the mission to provide monitoring, evaluation, and capacity building support in the development sector. One founding member of Sunai is an IITian and has been active volunteer for communities. The founding members has worked at Pratham Education Initiative in the past.
About Trilline Infotech (IT Partner) –
Triline Infotech Private Limited provided much needed software development facilities and ecosystem, which is identifying and training of code writer, providing software development ecosystem, office space and the technology know-how.
Conceptual Framework –
‘Help’ and ‘Need’ related challenges it addresses
– Desiring helping persons from a community, are not able to provide help because:
- It is too difficult to provide help
- too costly to provide help
- not confident that help will reach the needy
- needy is really needy ? not clear
- there are many needy people, and we cannot reach them all
- politics
– Needy persons are not able to access ‘help’ because they donot know that helps are available.
– Needy persons are not able to access ‘help’ even if help is available. This could be due to various reasons like transport is not available, physically too week, not enough empowered to seek help etc.
– Quantity of help is sufficient for the needy.
– Sometime, ‘help’ is not available near a needy at all.
In this website, needy is defined as : ‘Who are not able to meet the required need on their own at the given point of time or/and who are least probable of meeting their needs in near future, and whom a government is NOT able to provide help.
Dictionary meaning.
Needy : a person lacking in the necessities of life; very poor.
Need : survival-requirement or basic minimum-requirement
Similar words - synonyms : poor, deprived, disadvantaged, underprivileged, in want, needful, badly off, hard up, unable to make ends meet, poverty-stricken, indigent, impoverished, on one's beam-ends, as poor as a church mouse, dirt poor, destitute, penurious, impecunious, penniless, moneyless, on the breadline, without a penny to one’s name, on one's uppers, broke, flat broke, strapped for cash, strapped, cleaned out, skint, stony broke, in Queer Street, stone broke, necessitous, pauperized,
Opposite: wealthy, affluent, rich, well off,
2. person needing emotional support; insecure.
Needy Category
- Age wise
- – Child
- – Old
- – Young Women/Men
- – Adolescent Girl/Boy
- Gender wise
- – Women
- – Men
- Contextual
- – Legal
- – Financial
- – Accidental
- – Medical
- – Social
Needy category as per prevailing situation of a needy
- Temporary Daily needs like gas cylinder etc.
- Financial loss or hardship
- Illness and disease
- Disaster faced
- Pandemic
- Faced accident
- Migration issue
- Low profile profession
- No family or relation-friends
- Social issues
- Destitute poverty
- met accident
- financial challenges
- gender issue,
- migration,
- social backwardness,
- handicap,
- pandemic.
Needy category as a destitute
गरीबी (Destitute poverty)
- बी पी एल / गरीबी रेखा से नीचे जीवन यापन करने वाले परिवार y
- परिवार जिसकी मुखिया निराश्रित महिला
- आवास विहीन परिवार एवं ऐसे परिवार जिनके स्वामित्व में 30 वर्ग मी क्षेत्रफल तक के ऐसे कच्चे आवास हों जो उनकी निजी भूमि पर हों तथा जिनमे वो स्वयं निवास करते हों
- आवास विहीन परिवार
- परिवार ऐसे आवास में रहते हैं जिसकी छत पक्की न हो या झोपडी या प्लास्टिक के घर में रहते हैं ? y
- मुख्य गाँव या बस्ती से दूर में रहते हैं ?
- भूमिहीन y
कम आमदनी वाला व्यवसाय (Profession of Destitute Persons)
- दिहाड़ी मजदूर y
- भिक्षुक
- धार्मिक भिक्षुक
- भूमिहीन मजदूरों के परिवार y
- शिल्प्कार/ कारीगर
- फेरी लगाने वाले/ खोमचे वाले/ रिक्शा चालक
- वाचमैन, सेल्स मैन, कम आमदनी वाले सहयोगी y
- बेरोजगार
- परिवार का सदस्य खतरनाक काम में है और कोई सुरक्षा उपकरण उपलब्ध नहीं है
- परिवार का सदस्य के पास उचित कपडे नहीं हैं
बिमारी (Illness)
- कुष्ठ रोग/ कैंसर/ एड्स से पीड़ित
- दिव्यांग
- विकलांग अथवा मानसिक रूप से विक्षिप्त व्यक्ति है एवं इस परिवार में कोई अन्य बालिग़ पुरुष नहीं है
परिवार नहीं (No Family)
- एकल महिला / विधवा
- वृद्ध
- अनाथ
- माता पिता विहीन बच्चे
- परित्यक्त महिलाऐं
- परित्यक्त वृद्ध
सामाजिक परिस्थिति (Social Issues)
- अनुसूचित जाति/ अनुसूचित जनजाति
- Minority
- डॉम / मुसहर
- किन्नर
प्रवासी (Migration)
- प्रवासी मजदूर
- Foreigner
- Illegal migrants
- Returned migrant laborer
- Unknown identity (bhataka huaa insaan)
आपदा (Disaster area)
महामारी (Pandemic zone resident)
दुर्घटना (Met an accident)
- Big y
- Small
पैसे की तंगी (Financial loss)
- Business loss
- Theft
- Job loss
- Age wise
- Needy Group – Who can receive help for self or other needy
- – An individual needy
- – A community
- – an organisation and its unit
- – social activist individual
- – in which neighbourhood community (in a geographical area)
- – community connected distantly
- – program
- – event
- Needs list
- – money to meet daily bare minimum daily meal
- – money to meet basic necessity of life : meal, sanitation ie soap, minimum education books, cloth, medical needs …
- – Food
- – Shelter
- – Proper cloth / worm cloth
- – caring if old person
- – caring if ill
- – Medicine
- – Medical treatment
- – Blood donor
- – emotional support if covid effected or socially distancing factor or other stigma
- – travel support
- – support in accessing govt. help
- – literacy and education on emerging trends…
- – making govt. cards — like ration card, voter card, income card etc.
- – online education or other educational support
- – Loan
- – livelihoods-Employment
- – Skill training
- – Animal care
- – Personal protection equipment
- – Social security from Govt.
- – Dispute resolving
- – Charity
- – drinking water
- – milk
- – leftover food
- – space to slip
- – stationary
- – medicines
- – Advice
- – Consultancy
- – others
- Needs urgency
- – Emergency
- – Urgent
- – Normal
- form of help
- – cash
- – loan
- – discount
- – in kind — refurnished used (dress, book etc.)
- – Services
- Timeliness of needs
- – Emergency (less than 1-2 days are available)
- – Few days (3 to 5 days)
- – Some days (6 to 10 days)
- – Time is available (11 to 30 days)
- – Long need (31 or more)
- Who helps
- – Resourceful
- – Relaxed
- – Has made provision to help someone / Who are able to manage sparing some resources
- – Socially active
- – Believe in well being of others
- – Who want to use help as a tool for attaining self career goal
- – Dharmic - religious
- – Celebrate success or birthday or birth etc.
- – Very easy to help someone
- – Certain social goal to be achieved
- 9.1. Helper Needs
- – Social status
- – Feel like a god
- – To live in a better society
- – Ego served from needy
- – Feel good
- – Become Reacher
- – Become politician
- 9.2 Helper fear
- – Needy will become rich
- – My name is not published by the NGO, but NGO gets name and fame
- – This is risky as needy will be sometime spread infections
- – The help is diverted for some other purposes
- – Needy is not actually needy, there are worst cases…
- Service area where help can go
- – Education
- – Health
- – Child education
- – Higher education
- – Environment
- – Pollution
- – Etc.
- Field and outreach
- – Spread words amongst people who are in good faith to identify actually needy people
- – Develop a checklist to identify needy
- – Enter the checklist data in a database
- – Process and analyse data
- – Disseminate or deliver the analysis and info to people who provides helps
Annexure : Checklist questionnaire